Product Name: Smokey Bear Vintage shop Salt Pepper Shakers Wildfire Prevention COLLECTORS Old S&P
In 1950 the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico, an operator in one of the fire towers spotted smoke & called the location in to the nearest ranger station. The first crew discovered a major wildfire sweeping along the ground between the trees, driven by a strong wind. Word spread rapidly, & more crews reported to help. Forest rangers, local crews from New Mexico & Texas set out to gain control of the raging wildfire. As the crew battled to contain the blaze, they received a report of a lone bear cub seen wandering near the fire line. They hoped that the mother bear would return for him. Soon, about 30 of the firefighters were caught directly in the path of the fire storm. They survived by lying face down on a rockslide for over an hour as the fire burned. The cub took refuge in a tree that became completely charred, escaping shop with his life but also badly burned paws & hind legs. The crew removed the cub from the tree, & a rancher among the crew agreed to take him home. The cub survived!.