Product Name: Dungeons & Dragons: shop Gary Gygax's Hall of Many Panes boxed set
An Adventure of Such Epic Proportions that it would not fit in one book! Gary Gygax's long anticipated Hall of Many Panes comes in a solid 11 x 8.5 inch box that is deep enough to hold ALL THREE 80+ page full-size adventure books that comprise this wild shop adventure. With the adventure comes a fourth full-size book, containing 20 pages of art and maps! The Hall of Many Panes plunges the adventuring party into a dimensional matrix from which they must find their own way out. They find themselves on a long, thin ramp, ethereal darkness all about them. By looking up, or down, they spy strange shimmering lights. These are the panes of the Great Hall and lead to other worlds in time and space. The characters are pitted against all manner of eldritch beasts and magic. Gary Gygax's Hall of Many Panes is written in the classic style of sword and sorcery fantasy literature and is sure to grip players in many nights of pizza eating, soda drinking, dice throwing fun! For 8th level and above!.