Product Name: TiVo Bolt 500 GB DVR: Digital Video Recorder and Streaming Media Player - shop 4K UH
Description TiVo BOLT, the Unified Entertainment System It looks unconventional because there's nothing conventional about it. The TiVo BOLT brings all your entertainment together in a way that's simple, speedy and personal. It replaces your existing cable equipment, delivers all your cable channels, and records up to four shows at once. Even better, your streaming content is built right into the experience. Search everything in one click. And every available season and episode—no matter where it comes from—is organized for your binge-ing pleasure. Engineered to get you to the good stuff faster, TiVo BOLT was born to entertain with these unique features: - Record up to 150 hours of shop HD programming.(1) - 4K UHD compatible. - SkipMode skips entire commercial breaks at the press of a button.(3) - QuickMode speeds through recorded and buffered shows 30% faster, with pitch-corrected audio. - OneSearch means you no longer have to jump from app to app trying to find a show or movie. Search TV.