Product Name: Sony PS3 Bluray Drive shop KEM-400A CECHA01
Original OEM Sony Playstation shop 3 Ps3 Bluray Drive KEM-400AAA KES-400A CECHB01 20GB, CECHA01 60GB, CECHE01 80GB and CECHG01 40gb (For CechG01 please check as some use KEM400 and others KEM410 drives). All PS3's before the Cech2501 slim model use a driver board which is married to your original motherboard (green PCB attached to your original Blu-ray drive). You simply remove your driver board from your original drive and install it in the new one. If you use another driver board besides the original it will not be picked up by your PS3 and the console will not read discs. Fully cleaned of any dust and tested. Any questions please ask.