Product Name: Clarissa Explains It All Complete Series Blu Ray Set shop Nickelodeon
Please Note: There is one episode “Sam in Love” which does have 2 video imperfections, but they do not last long...the issue starts at 12:35-12:55 which is a 30 second imperfection. Also, 22:15-22:23 which is an 8 second imperfection. “Sam in Love” and “Total TV” are the only two episodes sourced from TV. Overall, this set is very high quality, but I wanted to disclose these two very minor issues. Number of Discs: 5 Region: All (Any Blu-Ray Player) Number of Episodes: 65 Run Time: 33 Hours Picture Quality: A (720p HD) Language: English Only (no subtitles) Features Interactive Menus, Play All Clarissa Explains It All Complete shop 65 Episode Series This 5 disc set features the entire Clarissa Explains It All original 65 episode Nickelodeon series in 720p high definition. Custom menus with navigation throughout. Includes case, artwork, and 5 discs with inkjet printed design. Free priority shipping in the USA. Please note, this is a region free import and although it will not be sealed, it i.