Product Name: Antique 1800's shop Chinese Hand Carved Dark Green JadeStone Rice Bowl
If your interested, send me an offer! FIRST REASONABLE OFFER GETS IT! Antique 1800's - Chinese Hand Carved/Worked Dark Green Jade Stone Rice Bowl Incredible craftsmanship Really beautiful in Light Markings on bottom are hard to make out but there I also don't speak any Asian language and do not know much about kenji's nor how to translate them. The friend who gave me this bowl got it back at a high end auction house back in the 70's from her wealthy suiter & this could be worth much more, but I don't have the time to research it & my lack of knowledge in Asian languages, writing, symbols etc. My hopes are that someone will appreciate this jade stone bowl & maybe even use it. I did my best with pictures but don't have a professional camera. If you would like more pics, just message me & I'd be happy to provide them. This will show your coworker which one of you have the real taste, and that her new hello kitty ramen bowl is cute but.... Meh, Without ever saying a word. Lol shop.