Product Name: Yugioh shop
Monsters X 15 * Obelisk The Tormentor (Tournament Legal) Secret Rare X1 * Slifer The Sky Dragon (Tournament Legal) Ulra or Secret Rare X2 * The Winged Dragon of Ra (Tournament Legal) X2 * The Winged Dragon of Ra Immortal Phoenix Ultra X1 * Ra's Disciple X3 * Marshmacaron Gold Rare X3 * Aroma Jar Common X1 shop * Card Trooper Common X2 Spells X 18 * Card Advance Common X1 * The True Name Super X1 * Mound of The Bound Creator Common X1 * Terraforming Common X1 * Pot of Dichotomy Common X1 * The Monarchs Stormforth Common X1 * Rank-Up Magic - The Seventh One Secret X1 * Soul Exchange Common X2 * Foolish Burial Common X1 * Enemy Controller Common X3 * A Feather of The Phoenix Common X2 * Forbidden Lance Common X2 Traps X 7 * The First Monarch Common X2 * Bottomless Trap Hole Common X2 * Call of the Haunted Common X3 Extra X 7 * Phantom Fortress Entelblanthnir Super X1 *Number 65 Rare X3 * Number 50 Super X2 * Mecha Phantom Beast Dracissacj Super X1 * Space Insulator Common X3.