Product Name: Bar Exam Flashcards MBE and MEE: Multistate Bar Exam shop (Kaplan Test Prep)
Prep for the MBE on-the-go with 700 essential flashcards to help you master the shop material and score higher on Test Day. Kaplan's Bar Exam Flashcards MBE provides expert coverage of the terms, definitions, and concepts on the test. 700 detailed flashcards: - Civil Procedure - Constitutional Law - Contracts - Criminal Law and Procedure - Evidence - Real Property - Torts Each MBE flashcard features exam-style questions for realistic review Prep for the MEE on-the-go with 500 essential flashcards to help you master the material and score higher on Test Day. Kaplan's Bar Exam Flashcards MEE provide expert coverage of the terms, definitions, and concepts on the test. 500 detailed flashcards: - Agency - Partnership - Corporations and Limited Liability Companies - Conflict of Laws - Family Law - Trusts - Wills and Estates - Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.