Product Name: Burts BEES LIP ITEMS CHOOSE SET shop
New burts bees lip items 100% natural for certain styles Very popular all new and authentic (Free item with purchase) Can ship 1-2 days or less. Please read :IAM SELLING INDIVIDUAL SETS YOU CAN SEND shop ME AN EMAIL WITH YOUR CHOICES & colors and I will let you know if available. You can choose from any type of BURTS BEES LIP ITEM. MINIMUM OF 4. Will send you my offer when u send me your choices. I will continue creating new listings for every buyer. I have tons of colors for every style. Is not just the ones on the pictures. Lipgloss.lipshine,tinted oil, & satin lipsticks are more expensive than the lip shimmer and tinted balms, the cheapest are the basic lipbalms . Lipbalms (chapsticks) Tinted lip balms Lipgloss wand Lip shine tube pic 4 Lip shimmers pic 3 Tinted lip oil pic 5 Satin lipsticks Cost is not a price for sale, please do not purchase without contacting me so I can change the cost and figure out your choices. Prices vary for each set depending on style.