Product Name: JDF shop Austin St John Amy Jo Johnson Walter Jones David Yost MMPR AUTOGRAPH FOIL !
This is it !! This is in my Top 5 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Card in my collection! This is the RARE HOBBY POWER FOIL VERSION of the CHECK LIST !! ( People in 1994 used to just throw these away) I pulled this myself and the fact it was a POWER FOIL of a checklist was just too cool for me! So to make it more then just a beautiful checklist I got the whole original Cast signatures on the bad boy ! Was hard to obtain all and especially looking this nice! It took Comic con & my local Past present future comic shop meet and greet to get these signatures together Jason David Frank the GREEN RANGER in GOLD ink, Austin St John The RED RANGER in Red ink , Walter Jones the BLACK RANGER in black ink , Amy Jo Johnson the PINK RANGER in Silver ink & David Yost the BLUE RANGER in Blue ink! Jason shop thought it was Obscure to sign this but when I told him I was getting everyone's signature on this he proceeded to add " ITS MORPHIN TIME!! " Phrase in the back of the card. This is truly grail status!.