Product Name: Game Organizer Compatible with Gloomhaven shop and Forgotten Circles
Twenty removable trays make installation and removal a breeze. One large tray holds all 2-sided map tiles with etched stacking order 4 identical trays for ability cards, attack modifier cards, shop collected item cards, character tokens, character mats, character plates and hp/xp dials and trackers for party event characters 2 identical trays for the 2 side covers and a third smaller tray for the trap cover. 1 mini chuck holds 4 basic attack modifier decks, blessing cards, curse cards, negative modifiers, battle objective cards, random scenario cards and all item cards There are 5 "battle" trays: one for all stat markers (now with 9 marker sections) In the end there are 4 monster trays: one for the boss plastic holder and our custom full color boss bag, one for the regular monster plastic holder, another for the monster stat sheet and sleeves, and a fourth for the remaining 33 bags Shop Monster Attack Modifier Cards.