Product Name: Theodore DREISER - Twelve shop Men 1st Edition 3rd Printing 1919 - Acceptable
Theodore DREISER - Twelve Men 1st Edition 3rd Printing 1919 - Acceptable Binding loose as seen in photos. Boni & Liveright, 1919. 3rd Printing. Original Blue boards with gold title shop. In "Twelve Men," he has given us a remarkable series of character studies of his friends that make no pretense at being anything more dramatic and that yet are fascinating, one and all, and far more impressive than if any attempt had been made to make them adorn a tale. We do not need even the vicarious interest of an attempt to ferret out the names of the originals of the sketches and to link them up with what we knew of these people in real life, tho some references are obvious and others obscure rather because the men were obscure than because the author has made any effort to disguise them.