Product Name: 3 shop Clone Hero/Guitar Hero Guitars plus GH: WoR Wii Bundle
I'd say 2 of these guitars are better for Clone Hero than Wii, but let me give you the rundown- One of these guitars, the one that has no stickers, is just a standard Wii guitar; has a back shop cover. The Mother Russia guitar has the modded frets/fret board, you know, the lighter, faster button pressing. It's barely used so those should last about as long as they normally do. You can see the frets are color coordinated, the extra colors came from the last guitar. This one does have a back cover but you'll noticed I filed a hole to make it easier to plug in the Wii to USB adapter. The last guitar, the one with the GnR sticker on it, has the other colored frets switched to be used for the Mother Russia guitar. I also taped over the hole for the Wii controller, which is why I would say for sure this one was not meant for Wii, though you could remove the tape easily. This one does not have a back cover. Looking to sell quickly so make me an offer.