Product Name: 3 for $15 DVDs/2 for $15 Blueray - Make shop an offer
Let me know which three (or six or 9...) DVDs you would like and I will create a custom bundle for you. The two BlueRays will be a lot of $15. Price for all is currently $90 firm. I did not personally test each of these before putting them up for sale but to my knowledge they were all still working when we put them on the shelf for storage. The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone DVD Trolls Party Edition DVD Turbo DVD Monsters University DVD Go Go Thomas DVD Legends shop of Oz DVD Robin Good VeggieTales DVD Gideon Tuba Warrior VeggieTales DVD Toy Story DVD Toy Story 2 DVD Toy Story 3 DVD Home DVD We're Back DVD The Movie DVD Frozen DVD Leap DVD/Blueray/Digital HD Big Hero 5 Blue Ray DVD.