Product Name: Cashflow How to Get Out of the Rat Race Board Game & VHS 101 MBA shop Rich Poor Dad
Cashflow: How to Get Out Of The Rat Race * Description: "You will discover how to raise your financial IQ quickly and easily; what the rich teach their kids about money; and how anyone can become rich and financially free even on a small salary." A VHS tape titled "Cashflow How to Get Out of the Rat Race: The Secrets of the Rich" has "Cashflow 101 The MBA program." written on the top. These items are from personal finance educator Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." * Age: game is for 10+ * Number of Players: 2+ * Time it takes to Play: it doesn't say but it seems pretty elaborate * What is included with the game: directions book, game board, 2 sided game play sheets; money, tokens, dice, pencils, and cards for game play. * Brand: Cashflow * Date: I don't see shop a date on the game, VHS is dated 1998 * Condition: Game looks to be played only once or twice. Items are packaged as new. Gameboard has very little wear. VHS looks good, possibly unwatched.