Product Name: Pokémon shop card bundle dated for mid-90s total of 34 cards.
Used handled cards, some in good condition and some with scratches, fading and some with line markings. No sleeves will ship with care. Blaine's Kangaskhan 36/132 Dark Dragonair 33/82 Dragonair 75/165 (e-reader) Rapidash 60/110 Miltank 41/111 Dark electrode 34/82 Lt. Surge's Magnemite 50/132 Dark Exeggcutor 33/105 Kirlia 33/106 Kirlia 34/109 (e-reader) Growlithe 51/147 (e-reader) Brock's Vulpix 37/132 Rapidash 44/64 Lanturn 32/64 Lt. Surge's Magnemite 50/132 Xatu 55/100 (e-reader) Wartortle 42/102 Farfetch'd 27/102 Trainer The boss's way 73/82 Persian 42/64 shop QTY:2 Sabrina's Slowbro 60/132 Sabrina's Hypno 56/132 Kadabra 32/102 QTY:2 Gastly 33/62 Arbok 29/100 (e-reader) Kakuna 33/102 Porygon 39/102 Swalot 40/106 Flaaffy 77/165 QTY:2 (e-reader) Blaine's magmar 37/132 Golduck 35/62.