Product Name: Pokémon card shop bundle dates for mid-90s
Used handled cards, some in good condition and some with scratches, fading and some with line markings. No sleeves will ship with care. Marowak 54/147 Trainer tv reporter 88/97 Trainer Blaine's quiz #3 112/132 Baltoy 32/100 Dark haunter 36/105 Waaty 28/64 1st edition Lt. Surge's raticate 53/132 Chansey 72/165 Giovanni's nidorino 45/132 Blaine's shop Rapidash 33/132 Light Slowbro 51/105 Dark quilava 39/105 Primeape 59/110 Dark golduck 37/82 1st edition Dark kadabra 39/82 Combusken 27/109 Trainer defender 109/130 base set 2 Vibrava 46/97 Vibrava 47/97 Qty:2 Trainer professor elm 96/111 Trainer forest guardian 123/147 Trainer power charge 147/165 Qty:2 Trainer bill's maintenance 137/165 Trainer challenge! 74/82 1st edition Lileep 43/100 HOLO Charmeleon 37/110 Qty:3 Quilava 45/115 Quilava 46/111 Trainer bill's teleporter 91/111 Energy full heal energy 81/82.