Product Name: Wii Bundle Reserved for shop DSYN_123
**RESERVED FOR DSYN_123** Hello, This is for a fully functional white Nintendo Wii GameCube compatible console. There are cables, 2 controllers, and Just Dance 3 included with this console. There are over 35 downloaded games including: Altered Beast Bubble Bobble Castlevania I, II, & III Donkey Kong Double Dragon I & II Excitebike shop Final Fantasy Golden Axe III Kid Icarus Kirby's Adventure Legend of Zelda I & II Mega Man 1,2,3,4,5 Metroid Pac-Man Punch Out River City Ransom Sonic The Hedgehog 1,2,3 Streets of Rage 2 & 3 Super Mario Bros 1,2,3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And more! Everything has been tested and works as expected. Please message me with any questions.