Product Name: Shop Antique Ireland Made Bowl
Antique Special Decal Detail throughout the outside of bowl like chalice. I had a hard time reading the stamps on the bottom I can for certain 100% sure it stated to be made in Ireland. Just above Ireland what I could make out is, "MADE IN ...ULLINGAR IRELAND" looks like an owl perched on a branch to the left & the right a "K" the very top writing seems "..ullinga.. ...e..te.." Sorry that's all I could make out maybe u'll have better luck or know or can research! Could be a diamond in the rough (hope u'd pass the newly acquired wealth back my way if so -lol Not perfectly circular has uneven shop ends curves adds to its charm & appeal demands attention as all eyes seem to be attracted to it draws u in screams to have its value know I've always been asked about it has that effect & appeal! As to the imperfections some of which I can see done internationally believe its hand made ❤ I record all shipments from start-drop off buy w/confidence & reassurance I have the proof to guarantee it!.