Product Name: The Weekend shop X Vlone What Happens After Hours Pullover Hood Black
---->>> Product : This black The Weeknd hoodie released in collaboration with Vlone as a part of the artist's After Hours merch package. Like other Vlone hoodies, this one features a cropped design as well as the phrase "After Hours" on the front of the hoodie in a dripping red font. The back of the hoodie features a red Vlone logo with The Weeknd's face insid ---->>> Condition : ->Lightweight ->Comfortable ->Crease resistant ->Natural memory designed to stretch with movement of the body whole retaining a sharp, lightweight structure ->Slim Fit Styling ->Sports high-quality shop printing ->Durable clothe ->Low-key print and identifying design making it the ideal for every single age category ->Fabric can be worn a size up or down ---> FAST SHIPPING --->100% AUTHENTIC --->PURCHASED FROM STOCK X.