Product Name: Samsung A-13 Cellphone shop
Just bought thru Tmobile last month Feb 1st. Fully functioning. I (over)paid $285 plus tax at the nearest store as i was DESPERATE for a newer phone... Desperate, gaulible, easy ~ yep, I KNOW, I WAS ALL THE ABOVE SMH... But then, just as i got it all set up and while walking down the street that morning with a new "Precious" THAT is presicely when i freakin tripped and broke the glass on my new phone. Same day sh※t, but NOT the good kind. Rhe compulsive, reckless me. I still hear it a month later- The sound of my money FLUSHING down a toilet... Figures, right? Do u even care? Heck, u know u dont. You are probably laughing by now. Thats okay. Just plz do buy this phone from me even w its cracked screen. It isnt interfering w the phone at all that i can tell. And its still shop ONLY a baby. A BRAND NEW FULLY FUNCTIONING Samsung A-13♡ of which i DO like A LOT. This from me is saying A LOT too because ive NEVER met an A-Series that i liked, not even one time until this A13. $70 firm.