Product Name: Team Losi JRX-S RC Model Pro shop Race Touring Car. Former Trophy. Rare
Another classic from a Rc-Race-dad who just has to let go of some of his Trophies.Rc Enthusiast who are local pros,from a prominent New England Rc Track. Differential,Steering System,Dog-Bone, {New Kyosho Tires (foams long gone)} and mint cases from a climate controlled home, all in working condition; drop in your brushless.Last pic is an axel part but the one on the JRX is already perfect. From Team Losi: EA3 suspension components provide strength and durability Revised suspension geometry for handling Revised drivetrain layout with shop centrally located, rear-mounted motor New belt materials and drive pulley geometry New "narrow diff" setup Machined aluminum bulkheads and chassis braces Balanced weight layout for improved handling and response Ultra-narrow chassis and top deck New ball bearing steering system New front upper arm design for strength and stability F/R diff setup ideal for carpet racing Race proven adjustable bladder shocks with single or double O-ring configuration.