Product Name: Bronze Fire 'Ancient of Days' Gold Prophetic Wind Holographic shop Rainbow Set of 2
Prophetic shop Wind Ancient of Days Bronze Fire Worship Flag Set of 2 - Ready to ship in 3 days ~ Flag Bags are available also! ~ These beautiful worship flags are a special cut sewn with a frilly edge. The rods are Superflex™ rods by Beauty for Ashes® Boutique, which are our most flexible rod choice. Perfect for a flowy dance worship addition, or soft worship. Flag Set measure each approximately 55" x 41" and are out smaller flags, very easy for the beginner and lightweight. They make the noise of wind as you use them! Made to order by Beauty for Ashes Boutique® in the USA. Flags are prayed over and anointed with hand-made Yadah or Anoint Yourself! Anointing Oil. Daniel 7:9 "I kept looking Until thrones were set up, And the Ancient of Days took His seat; His vesture was like white snow And the hair of His head like pure wool His throne was ablaze with flames, Its wheels were a burning fire. An authentic handmade item from Beauty for Ashes Boutique®.