Product Name: “R” Russel drip shop dry children’s clothing
This collection has it all. So these are drip power clothes that will help keep you cool when it's super hot outside. They're still useful because as we all know it's still 100° in California but even so you can buy them for the next size up to be prepared for next year because this is an amazing starter pack. This pack will come with five regular jet proof T-shirts, one nicer T-shirt with a collar, in case you want to go inside a restaurant shop or just look a little bit fancier, and lastly it will come with two sleeveless hooded shirts, which seems to be all the rage these days. In addition to buying this packet, you will get a special treat for me which is a pair of the drip proof knee length shorts that color coordinate super super well with a majority of the outfits that way you don't have to struggle and decide what to wear when to get out of bed every day. The sizes on all of these will be extra large 14 to 16 for boys thank you!! In.