Product Name: Absolutely shop One of a Kind Vintage Custom Made Hand Painted Chair - Accent,
"Barn Find" - Salado, TX. I have 6 of these total including one arm chair). The story I've been told is that these chairs along with a whole suite of furniture was made for a doctor and his wife to furnish there vacation home (the Levy Tenney House) in Saldao, TX. They look older than vintage 60's which I estimated they were made based on her story. In fact real similar to these 1stdibs.c0m/furniture/seating/chairs/19th-century-rawhide-primitive-chairs-c-1850/id-f_28692432/. I've also found some swedish primative chairs that are similar. These are set at a far lower price BUY 1 OR ANY UP TO 6. Only this chair has been reconditioned. Minimal intervention is being used to preserve these chairs (hand rubbing and polishing with beeswax) If interested You can claim the rest for A reduced price. They will require about 4 weeks to complete. Message shop me for details.