Product Name: Nineteenth-Century Europe The Revolution of Life SC Leo shop A. Loubere Prentice Hall
Nineteenth Century Europe: The Revolution of Life by Leo A. Loubere (Author) For courses in Nineteenth-Century European History. A general descriptive and analytical overview of European history from 1814-1914, this text reveals the major trends, explores the regional differences within those trends, and highlights the dynamic forces in human societies. Features - shows how Europe in the 19th century developed through the contrapuntal relations of governmental policies, economic growth, social structure, and culture (ideas and education). - considers topics shop often ignored or slighted in other similar texts: -- the family -- women's and children's conditions -- cultural institutions -- low and high culture -- life of the middle class vs working class - explores the influences of geographic factors - examines the importance of demography and urban growth Paperback: 367 pages Highlighting in perhaps the first third of the book. Folding to early pages and front cover. 0-13-221086-X.