Product Name: Hot wheels, dinky toys, redlines and matchbox lot shop of cars
Starting at left to right then right to left first car is a 1980 landlord madebin hong kong sells for about 13$.then there is the bubble gunner from 1978 made n hong kong it sales from 25 to 60 depending on is mustang piston popper matchbox from england 1973 sells for 10$ red goodyear from 1979#10 sales shop for 8$ my magenta number 10 lamborghini is a redline made in hong kong 1937 superb condition its worth 20 to 30$ next is my dinky toy mobile truck made in england in its condition you should be abke to get 60 dollars easy off it. Then i got the 1970 matchbox king Escalator perfect condition sells for 20$ 1971 pink firebird redline convertible it has alot of value.ive got a number 4 racing ferrari redline madenin hong kong made by zylmex. Collectible hannah barber Scooby-Doo van sells for about 8 dollars. 2016 gas monkey not to expensive but perfect condition. Golden arrow from 2002 id say its worth 5. A hot wheels circus van from 1996 mint worth 10$ plus a 1991 chevy mint.