Product Name: Bratz shop for cherie21
This is a custom head lot designed for Cherie21. shop Masquerade Vampire has ice white steaks that changes to bright pink in the sunlight to indicate her light intolerance ( she is a vampire after all!) Masquerade Witch has a silver streaks that shift to a deep purple in sunlight so she can stand out in a crowd!  Cloe and Yasmin are going for a 2007 urban chic look, simple, but classy. Miss Yasmin has been given the plum side part bussdown to make her dark eye makeup pop Finally we have dee, the mother, the true queen of the pixiez, her hair will shift from ice white and mint blue to an array of vivid pinks and purples in the sunlight after she has beaten Lina, the queen of the dark pixiez as told in Bratz Fashion Pixiez.