Product Name: Huge Pokemon shop Lot
Huge Lot Mixed with Celebrations Cards, Evolving Skies Ultra Rares, v's and vmaxes. A lot are dupes(mostly trying to get rid of cards, but if you purchase and don't want dupes let me know I'll have a list of what the listing is comprised of. Trevenant Vx5 Rayquaza Vx6 MedichamVx3 SylveonVx2 DragoniteVx2 Espeon,Flareon,Melmetal,Aegislash,Arctoviah,Kricketune,Noivern,Duraludon,Necrozoma,and Dracozolt V Celebrations shop Set Reshiram Zekrom Flying Pikachu V, Vmax Surfing Pikachu V,Vmax Pikachu Full Art Rockets Zapdos x2 Blastoise x2 Venusaur x2 MRayquaza x2 Zamazenta V x2 Zacian Vx2 Rockets Admin x2 Groupon x2 Dark Gyrados x2 Luxraylvx x2 Greninja Gold Starx2 Gyrados,Toxtricity, Garbodor,Inteleon,Flareon,Leafeon, Espeon,Jolteon Vmax Vaporeon, Dragapault, Dracozolt,Trevenant Vmax x2 Duraludon Vmax x3 Ultra Rares Sylveon Alt Art Gold Darkness Energy,Stormy Mountains, Mewtwo Vstar Radiant Charizard Radiant Venusaur Full Art Trainerx3 Full artsx3 Vstar Lucario Protected by top loaders.