Product Name: Pokemon Trading Card shop Game POP Series 1
3 Unopened Packs of Pokemon Trading Card Game POP Series 1 (2004-2005) Each pack contains 2 cards from the Pokemon Organized Play Series 1 The Pokémon Organized Play promotional series was conceived as an extra incentive for players and collectors alike to participate in Pokémon leagues and Pokémon Organized Play programs. Instead of a single promotional card available at an event, it was a promotional set to collect. each booster contains 2 cards. Look for Star EX Holos of Armaddo EX and Tyranitar EX - Collect all 17 cards: 1/17 tBlaziken tRare 2/17 Metagross Rare 3/17 Rayquaza Rare 4/17 Sceptile Rare 5/17 Swampert Rare shop 6/17 Beautifly Uncommon 7/17 Masquerain Uncommon 8/17 Murkrow tUncommon 9/17 Pupitar tUncommon 10/17 Torkoal tUncommon 11/17 Larvitar tCommon 12/17 Minun tCommon 13/17 Plusle tCommon 14/17 Surskit tCommon 15/17 Swellow tCommon 16/17 Armaldo ex Rare Holo EX 17/17 Tyranitar ex Rare Holo EX.