Product Name: Bloody Sam Purse / Bloody Trick R Treat Crossbody Bag by shop KreepsShop
Sinister Sam Bloody Trick R Treat Crossbody Bag KreepsShop / Sinister Bag Co. ♥️BRAND IS KREEPSSHOP - NOT Love Pain and Stitches, KreepsShop is not an available brand choice.♥️ This is the Bloody Sam Trick R Treat cross body bag by KreepsShop. 100% handmade from scratch. I don't believe this style is available right now. Never used or carried. Only taken out and touched for pictures. This bag is absolutely spooktacular! I'm not in a hurry to part with it, Because it really is amazing! But I'm a shopaholic who needs to downsize! ♥️Please feel free to ask questions or send offers! shop I do cross list and may be interested in a Strange Coven, LPS or other spooky purse trade. ♥️ Tags: KREEPTURE Kreepsville KreepsShop Sinister Bag company KILLSTAR Love pain and stitches Strange Coven Strange Cvlt halloween trickrtreat trick or treat #trickrtreatsam #handmade halloween Halloween bag Halloween purse trick or treat purse Sourpuss Nightmare Before Christmas Sam trick r treat Halloween Purse.