Product Name: Charles M. Schulz - Comics Conversion to Rare Book Format shop tete-beche Book 4 of 4
#4 of 4 BOOKS LISTED Vintage tete-beche artist's edition hardcover Charles M. Schulz Definition: Printed upside down or sideways relative to another. UPSIDE DOWN IN THIS BOOK Comic Conversion shop to Rare Book Format An old library book from a N. Manchester, IN library..see all markings Handed down through family This edition published by Mattel Home Programs, Inc. by arrangement with Holt, Rinehart and Winston New York.Chicago.San Francisco LOC CARD #66-15955 Copyright 1964-1965 First published in book form March, 1966 By United Feature Syndicate, Inc. YOU NEED HELP, CHARLIE BROWN LOC CARD #62-8368 Copyright 1960-1962 First published in book form February, 1962 By United Feature Syndicate, Inc. IT'S A DOG'S LIFE, CHARLIE BROWN MARKED FAIR BECAUSE AN OLD LIBRARY BOOK..COVER WORN SPINE IN TACT..GOOD SHAPE ALL PAGES.. BENIGN TEARS ON A FEW OF BOTTOM PAGES/ SPINE BOTTOM & TOP TEARS & STAINED..GOOD SHAPE FOR AGE SEE ALL PICS! AS IS NO RETURNS 4 in collection - see all Great Gifts by Ril.