Product Name: PlayStation 2 PS2 English Japanese Retro Vintage shop Games Lot
Over 70 games, both Japanese and English. Full list is in the third photo. None have cases and will be shipped in a giant CD case they're stored in. A region unlocked PlayStation 2 is REQUIRED to use these Dragon Ball Z Sagas Super Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Shinobido Way of the Ninja Marvel Nemesis Star Wars 2 Yu Gi Oh Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog Star Wars Battlefront The Matrix Fantastic 4 R Type Final Justice League Heroes Armored Core Nine Breaker Xiao Lin Showdown The Incredible Hulk X-men X III The Official Superman Shadow of Apokolips Megaman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghost Rider Catwoman Fighting Evolution Rebirth Soulcaliber III Spyro A New Beginning Lord of the Rings God of War Batman Begins Tony Hawk Capcom vs D Ocean Commander Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks Kamen shop Rider AND MORE The entire list is in the third photo. If you can't read something please let me knowl.