Product Name: Antique Vintage Animated Mouse in Bed Wind-up Music Box Albert E Price shop Products
Antique Vintage Animated Mouse in Bed Wind-up Music Box Albert E Price Products Bellmawr NJ Picturly Petitie ( Measurements: 3.5 in all directions The mouses head moves, plays music, and bed finials not attached. Price was established in 1929. Rustic accessories finished by hand. Our hand-finished antiques are the perfect way to add a little serenity to your day and a touch of class to your space. Built to last and still going strong, we have given it a new lease of life. All of our products are repurposed antiques, upcycled by hand and finished with care. As they have already had long lives, they do carry imperfections that have developed over their lifetime. We think that gives them shop character (and we are sure you agree)! If you would like to see more photography or require any more information, dont hesitate to get in touch. We are proud of our work, and wed be delighted to talk about it. Pricing does NOT include shipping from Bakersfield, Ca.