Product Name: Shop Reserved Nana642 only! Bundle
Vintage. I tried to look for a stamp but I just can't read or tell if what I'm reading is any thing more then natural wear on the clasps bc this is a used piece as any vintage piece may show wear . With a magnifying glass is how I saw wear . So this piece is quite shop stunning it is used. Not sure the age . Purchased as a vintage piece.. I'm calling it a collar necklace bc it prob fits at collar area if not choker style . This item is not magnetic at all not even on the clasp . Each rhinestone or crystal whatever type of stone it is . Set in four prongs. Used good condition unsure of metal but believe it's sterling not being magnetic.bundle 5 items in purchase price 6thitem is the clear tennis bracelet that pairs w set. Adding two Pandora like bracelets w charms as gift. I'm paying shipping as added discount for this customer only. Very loyal buyer. Repetitive . Discounted items as added. 8 items will be in this purchase . Weight should work out shipping if not taken out of earnings noted.